Contemplating the ‘Both And’

These past couple weeks have been weighing heavy on me. I’m not extremely sure where to begin, so I’ll start somewhere in the middle.*This is a slight continuation of my last blog post, so feel free to check it out. I reference it a bit here.* I was thinking about the positive results of western medicine, while taking into account the intense violence that Moran documents this institution committing by casting the patient as the lowest rung in its hierarchy. This is visible through events we saw in Meridian, like Meridian’s forced sterilization, and in my last blog post, the erasure of agency and the patient as a contributor to their health. Pondering the good and the not-so good made me think of a phrase we hear a lot in class-both and. When she says this, I believe Dr. McCoy challenges us to look at the (two) different sides of stories, people, and institutions.  Continue reading “Contemplating the ‘Both And’”