Schrodinger’s Cat, Meridian, the World

When we first watched the videos on Schrodinger’s Cat I was reminded of all of the reasons I never pursued science. Thoughts ran through my mind, with the liking of, “this makes no sense,” “did someone actually become famous for this?” and, “how long do I have until I can stop paying attention, because I don’t like this theory!” However, a lightbulb flashed and I understood the theory and now I can’t stop seeing it. Schrodinger’s Cat is not stating that things are both literally dead and alive at the same time, as I thought it was claiming originally. Rather, in means, our perception declares how we view a being. A cat, that could be dead or alive, is only dead when we finally see it, because as humans, we have a specific perception of death. Meanwhile, the cat might not perceive death the same way, and therefor, still be living.

After my sudden realization about how much sense Schrodinger’s Cat makes, I realized it can be applied to anything and everything. Take the gold bar chapter in Meridian, for example. Meridian knows the gold bar is buried underground– this means in her perception, there is a gold bar underground. However, for someone who has yet to view the buried gold bar, it’s not there. This means, the gold bar is both buried and not buried because if you have yet to perceive its existence, then it isn’t there in your eyes. Another way we can see Schrodinger’s Cat in Meridian is with Meridian and her baby. After leaving for school, she doesn’t tell anyone she’s a mother. This means, in their eyes, she is not a mother. However, we, the readers, know she has a baby, so she is both a mother and not a mother at the same time, in whatever way she has chosen to let you perceive her.

Beyond the scope of Meridian, I can now see Schrodinger’s Cat in everything around me. Schrodinger’s Cat even represents itself. By this, I mean, I never knew of this theory. Therefor, in my perception, it didn’t exist. I could never apply it to anything around me, because it wasn’t a theory. However, other people knew it existed. Furthermore, this theory exemplifies itself because it both exists and doesn’t exist at the same time. Now that I have learned about it, it exists in my world.

And now… my brain hurts! Thanks Schrodinger.

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