Keeping an Open Mind

In the conclusion of Interdisciplinarity, Joe Moran makes a point I find very relevant to this exact moment in history.

“People working within established modes of thought have to be permanently aware of the intellectual and institutional constraints within which they are working, and open to different ways of structuring and representing their knowledge to the world.” (page 187)

This idea speaks to rigidness of individual beliefs that have the potential to perpetrate an unconscious violence by not considering the other’s. I find that people that adopt one linear and “correct” way of thinking (as I am guilty of doing) often are vacuumed into a one-sided universe where it is them against the other.

Not only does this harm the individual, as linear thinking is a very lonely way of thinking. It also completely abandons critical thinking as a practice and a habit. This is very harmful to the rest of the world. Taking everything at face value and not asking why or how has the potential to limit individuals’ experiences and therefore limit empathy for others. This is now more important than ever due to our election.

At this moment in history, it is very important that we understand the constraints in which we are all individually thinking. I challenge myself to avoid making assumptions about people who have made different choices than me. I challenge myself, instead of jumping to conclusions, to try and ask why people would think any differently than me. I urge everyone else to do the same.

To be more precise, I hope that making more of an effort to understand other’s choices in context to their experiences will help me become a more holistic thinker. We are still part of the same nation, and even though I am scared of people who think differently than me at the moment… I must not assume malice immediately. My goal is to consider the “why” before I alienate more people and cause more harm. However, there is one way of thinking I will remain rigid on. Humanistic values, complete empathy for others, and unconditional compassion at every place and every time.

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