Changing Over of Ideas

Over this past week, I had the privilege of being initiated as one of my sorority’s new Vice Presidents as the new Vice President of Community Relations for the 2017 year. And while this was a highlight of career here at Geneseo and one of the parts of the spring semester that I am most excited for, it is nerve racking to think about how my ideas might differ from the previous Vice President of Community Relations and the previous ideas about the job set but the sorority as a whole. What I am most worried about is how my experience about community service and inter-greek relations and knowledge that I have on the subject might be completely different from what others think on the matter and how that might change the way my sorority works as a whole. I turned to the ideas of Interdisciplinarity, by Joe Maran, to see if anyone in history has ever felt this similar fear in a time of changing over of power. What I learned from looking into this is that the Declaration of Independence is one of the most common document that has happened from the changing of power (p. 10). This declaration was something that was set forth by a new group of thinkers that wanted to take action in their society. Beyond just impacting the society, it did a lot of good change for the country and our nation that we still are looking back at today to use as a form of reference. What I must realize is that although I might be scared about this new position and nervous about how I might do, I have to remember that throughout history plenty of people that have felt nervous, scarred, or worried about a new change of power. But all of these people have found great success in the places where they have been most scarred. With changing over of power, often comes a new set of eyes looking at the same material and working with it in an entirely different way. I now realized that I should not be afraid of change because it is change that has gotten me, and the history of the country, where we are today.

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