word choice

[His words are wisdom to those legislators who contemplate no essential reform in the existing government; but for thinkers, and those who legislate for all time, he never once glances at the subject. in RCG 36-45]he doesn’t really to seem to know the difference in what they are doing wrong so if there is an issue it is our job as human beings to educate others and make them aware of whats really going on. How will will we do this one may ask? My answer would be to make sure that we as the people who are supposed to abide by the laws to speak up when there is a valid reason to question them. The voice or speaker should not only be heard through the media as most people would do when they need something to be shared and reworded to sound better than it actually is. For example the media would sometimes make people seem greater or less than who they really are and use a higher vocabulary. [sojourner. Economy 1-14] This was said by a man that lived by himself for 26 months and was about a mile from his nearest neighbor in the middle of the woods. This shows that he is a person that uses his resources to survive while liking that kind of lifestyle he chooses to come back to a “civilized life” where he can communicate with others and share his experiences from living alone for a little more than two years. Word choice I would say is the most important when reading about the economy because everyone has a different experience with [In most books, the I, or first person, is omitted; in this it will be retained; that, in respect to egotism, is the main difference. We commonly do not remember that it is, after all, always the first person that is speaking. I should not talk so much about myself if there were any body else whom I knew as well. Economy 1-14] Sometimes using pronouns can change the way a story is told and create multiple meanings that either aren’t intended or are open for interpretation. The experience can also be frustrating and confusing but need to be done in order for people to know and understand.

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