Humpty Dumpty

Alice finds Humpty Dumpty on a wall and tries to give him a compliment even though she knows that he is an egg and he seems to have very different options about what people think about him being a human being and having a hard time being a person. Alice questions what she sees, “I said you looked like an egg, Sir,’ Alice gently explained. ‘And some eggs are very pretty, you know’ she added, hoping to turn her remark into a sort of a compliment,”(chapter 6: Humpty Dumpty of Through the looking glass). She makes the remark because he is dressed up with pants, a shirt and a tie or maybe a belt because his neck is not easily recognizable like a human beings. Alice gets used to the fact that he is an egg, “And how exactly like an egg he is!’ she said aloud, standing with her hands ready to catch him, for she was every moment expecting him to fall,”(chapter 6: Humpty Dumpty of Through the looking glass). Alice gives the egg a personality in her head and he does have a face, arms, legs and clothes getting on but he also is still an egg and can’t really be walking and taking and would also need help up on the wall. “However, the egg only got larger and larger, and more and more human: when she had come within a few yards of it, she saw that it had eyes and a nose and mouth; and when she had come close to it, she saw clearly that it was HUMPTY DUMPTY himself. ‘It can’t be anybody else!’ she said to herself,”(chapter 6: Humpty Dumpty of Through the looking glass). She didn’t realize that he was probably a figment of her imagination and that he was in fact just an egg. An egg is usually a living thing that comes out of birds, snakes, somewhat of a human because of the way that people are able to hold their babies in their stomachs for many days. Humpty Dumpty doesn’t really believe that he is an egg because of the way that he is dressed and can do almost everything that she can,‘“It’s very provoking,’ Humpty Dumpty said after a long silence, looking away from Alice as he spoke, ‘to be called an egg—Very!”’(chapter 6: Humpty Dumpty of Through the looking glass). Non living things are made alive when people believe that the are actually there. Since Alice thinks that she sees Humpty Dumpty he can talk to her and have actual thoughts but if she ignored him and didn’t believe in him because of the nursery rhymes he would of probably just been an egg that was sitting on top of a wall. Overall this book shows that Humpty Dumpty has one of the most confusing personalities because he has accepted the fact that if he falls that all the King’s horses and all the King’s men would put him back together if he fell and broke his body. Lewis wants us to think that humpty is alive by giving him real human like features and giving him a voice for Alice to talk to giving him personalities so people give objects a personality.The norm of the book is for non-living things, normal things and people to become alive and entertain Alice and become reasonable individuals. The people would like to know what would be the best thing that could come out of alice making the best of the next things that was in this imaginary world through the looking glass. The way that people are needed to go around and make sure that they know the difference between what is real and what isn’t real.

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