Isn’t it funny how we learn through the process of listening- listening to others. The people we listen to can be scholars, professors, friends- anyone. The fact is, we rely on someone else’s knowledge to develop our own. Where we find this knowledge though is often debated, but it is up to the person themselves. Discoveries can come from anywhere, but it is our mission as students to find the why. We ask the question, “Why is this discovery necessary, and what does it do to help me?”. As students, our job is to fine tune our knowledge and implement it in a way that is necessary to our own and others learning processes. We are constantly learning everyday, especially within an academic setting. As long as we gain knowledge from reliable sources, we will make new discoveries. English 203 has taught me that sometimes I need to be dependent on the knowledge of others in order to grow as a student.
The process of listening is important everywhere, but in English 203 I especially found it vital within class discussion and group work. Every single class we counted off in numbers to find our assigned group for that day. In the beginning of the school year, I did not even know what this group work setting would begin to reveal to me. I got to interact with my classmates in a hands on setting, but what I didn’t know is that their perspectives on topics would help me in the long run. I found that through my classmates I was able to understand the readings more, I found new blog post topics, and they even helped to proofread and give me ideas for my papers. Their understanding of a variety of topics perpetuated new interpretations for me. They often made me think in a way I would not have thought before, forcing me to grow as a learner. It was interesting to see how five people could read the same passage, but come to 100 different conclusions as to what that passage meant. If I had not been introduced to what my classmates thought it meant, I would be convinced that only my way was correct. Through the process of relying on their knowledge, I was guided to break the boundary I had created for myself. Ultimately, I became more open minded as a learner and this helped me to find new things. Continue reading “Referencing Others To Complete Me (ENG 203 Reflection)”