What Does “Being Famous” Mean Anymore?

Recently, there was an article that caught my eye in the New York Times explaining Shia LaBeouf’s most recent performance art: #ALLMYMOVIES. In this article, Wesley Morris explains the problems with fame today, and how it has become almost meaningless. This article not only reminded me of Deirdre’s blog post, “Just Do It,” but it also made me think of the attention to famous people in our world today.

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Modern Technology and Cybernetic Enhancments

While re-reading some chapters of Interdisciplinarity, I returned to and came across Moran’s discussion of technology and cyborgs in our modern day. It reminded me not only of a video I had seen of a man who became a cyborg, but it also reminded me of Lauren’s blog post I read in the beginning of the year titled, “Civilized Cavemen.”

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Historical Inquiry

Whether we notice them or not, allusions appear in literature very often. These allusions can range from either references to other works, people, or an event. Today in class, we specifically discussed historic and biblical allusions that Percival Everett included in Zulus. This got me thinking a lot about my past knowledge and how authors use allusions to allow their readers to dive into much more information outside of the text.

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The Brain and the Novel

Psychology has alway interested me. I jumped at the opportunity to take the only Psychology class given at my high school. I am also currently enrolled in Psychology 100 for the fall semester, and I am enjoying every bit of it. Although, as of right now at least, I have little to no interest in majoring in Psychology, with all due respect to the current students that are. However it did surprise me to discover that my intended area of study, English, and Psychology actually have much more in common than I have ever even realized.

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