Does a Linear Career= Successful Human?

Last class we talked about Jean Toomer’s biography and crooked career path. Comments in class were aimed at how “nowadays we are taught to stick to one career path to be successful”. However, I disagree to both parts of that statement. Firstly, I don’t really think this is a “nowadays” issue, I think it’s always been a struggle for young adults to pick a major or career path. Furthermore, I think that questioning your career path and switching it a few times, makes you become more experienced and cultured which is much more worthwhile than rigid life experience that resides in one area.


I see parallels between Jean Toomer and I, as I’ve also switched my major, my school, and my mind several times due to a lack of concrete identity. I argue that it makes you stronger when you struggle with your identity. You have more of a drive to find out who you are and what you want. In doing that, you gain experience, meet people, and have revelations about topics you may have never thought about before. So the question becomes, what really makes an individual successful, life experience or money?

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