Interdisciplinarity as a whole

If someone had asked me what Interdisciplinarity meant before this class, I would have given them the “deer in the headlights” look. I know “inter” means connected or similar to each other; “Discipline” means to teach or learn…but together they were a mystery. Through this class, I have learned how interdisciplinarity cannot be completely defined because of its nature of being “ambiguous” (Interdisciplinarity, 15). You can mold this term to fit your own views and field because interdisciplinarity is not confined to just one field. It can be found in science, history, english, and so many more. How can you define something so broad? This blew my mind when I had this revelation. It made me wonder what else surrounds this world that we do not even know about. It is scary in the sense that it is a mystery that may never be solved. However, interdisciplinarity is does not have to be “solved”, but interpreted. That is why I love this word so much. It is almost like it is my own word. A word I can count on to explain my ideas and connections.

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